My Blog!

  • SumoMe

Hello everyone!  As you can tell from the title of my blog, rock climbing is my sport.

Why do I want to start a blog?  Three reasons: (1) I want to help climbers stay psyched for the sport they love, (2) Hopefully post some helpful info, and (3) just show one person’s love for climbing and how she accomplishes her dreams.

I’m a person who has to have a schedule, so here’s a rough sketch of what I’m hoping to do and what you can expect most of the time.  Nothing set in stone, of course.  I tried to find a rhyme for each of them.

  • Monday Movies- My favorite way to stay psyched!!  Gotta love climbing videos!!!  Will also post recommendations on books/sites if I have any.  Oh, and pics too.
  • Tuesday Training- Mental and technical training ideas.
  • Wednesday Workouts- Physical training, on the wall and off.
  • Thursday Thoughts- Awesome quotes and articles!!
  • Friday Facts- Stuff about eating right and fun climber’s lingo.
  • Saturday Statistics- All about how my week went and how much closer I am to reaching my goals

Each day I’ll provide a comment opportunity and a fun challenge for each post if I can think of one.   Well, here goes nothing…  🙂

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